When Mercy Heals the Broken... Nicolle's Story
I spent over 20 years as an alcoholic. I had gone down some very dark and damaging roads. I ran from God and my parents starting at the age of 16. I sought worldy freedom that led me to the greatest bondage of my life.
Over the years, I destroyed myself physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. I knew God had created me for His purposes and I had faith that He was the way to freedom yet I couldn't get out of the pit I had created. I had trouble with the law and in every relationship I had. I couldn't care for my children or myself. I had almost died countless times from the poison in the I put in my body daily. I was truly broken.
That's when mercy meet me right where I was at.
Mercy is a person. His name is Jesus.
Mercy is a place. It is the cross.
Mercy is a gift. Underserved yet freely given with the purest love.
So here I am. Mercifully broken at the feet of my Savior, ready to help others find their healing through the mercy of Jesus.
In my brokenness, I became whole.
By God's grace and for His glory,
"You have been commissioned by heaven to be the new breed. One part warrior, one part worshipper. A dangerous combination the enemy fears."
How We Got Our Name... A Tribute to Larry
In 2010, I ran into a man named Larry Heppes from the church I grew up in. He was a family friend and prayer warrior with my dad.
He told me, "I prayed for you for almost 20 years. I prayed that would become broken . You had to be broken to come to God but I prayed that he would be merciful. So I prayed every day that you become mercifully broken."
"The effective prayers of a righteous man can accomplish much" James 5:16
My Other Faithful Warriors
I had many other valiant prayer warriors on my journey to being mercifully broken. My parents, Arthur and Lynn Juarez, who bestowed grace and mercy upon me countless times. My children, Jacob, Noah, and Eli, protected by my parents but who had to learn many life lessons way too young. Faithful servants, Jullie and Keith Lawrence of Coastal Bend Grace House, provided me with a place at a transition home for nine months of faith based care and recovery from my destructive lifestyle, which set me on a path of restoration.
There are many others who played a part through their generous giving to the many ministries I was a part of during that time in my life. I also have friends that have forgiven me despite the many times I hurt them with my actions. All of these prayer warriors have been instruments that called upon heaven to lift me from the pit of darkeness.
To everyone who has been on my journey, I am forever grateful.
If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes an army of warriors to battle for the broken
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